Main Menu
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- Avonvale Surgeries
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- CT Imaging
- Advanced Diagnostic Imaging
- In-house Lab
- Vet Hospital
- Orthopaedics
- Hydrotherapy
- Acupuncture
- Veterinary Nurse Clinics
- Keyhole Surgery
- Consultations
- Vaccinations
- Flea and Worm Treatment
- Microchipping
- Neutering
- Pet Dental Care
- Annual Health Check
- Pet Weight Management
- Senior Pets
- Insurance Claims
- Lumps & Bumps Clinic
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- Pet Health for Life
- Pet Help Advice
- Dog
- Toxins and Poisons
- Senior Pets Dogs
- Vaccinations for Dogs
- Fear of Fireworks
- Arthritis
- Dog Travel Sickness
- Neutering for Dogs explained
- New Puppy
- Vaccinating Puppies
- Incontinence in older dogs
- Exploring the typical causes of ear issues in dogs
- Diabetes in Dogs
- Brachycephalic Dogs Health Advice
- Top care tips for dogs during the winter
- Cushing’s Disease in dogs: Symptoms and treatment advice
- Top Tips for Training New Puppies: Pawsitive Reinforcement
- Cat
- Rabbit
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- General Advice
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- Contact Us
- News
- Donate a Pet's Christmas Dinner
- Connie's Poorly Knee
- The 12 Days of Christmas
- Christmas Opening Times
- A Happy Christmas for Ronnie
- Braveheart Award for Monty
- Merry Christmas Everyone!
- Keep Paddling!
- A lovely thank you from Bono
- Pet Plan Award Nomination
- Smokey's Lucky Escape
- A Well Deserved Nomination
- Rodney's New Hair Do
- A thorn in Molly's eye
- Free Neutering for Cats
- Hattie's Pneumonia
- Winston's Sore Throat
- Stanley's Sore Foot
- New Computers
- A good day at the office!
- Deer little Bambina
- Ruby's Major Surgery
- Freddie's sore legs
- Major Surgery for Freja
- Unsung heroes
- Happy Easter!
- Happy 21st Birthday Danny
- Welcome to Deborah
- Phone Problems
- Phones update
- Spring Bank Holiday
- Sydney's Allergies
- Dumble
- Little fighter Bruno
- Diagnostic Donation for Sick Pets
- Pint-sized Polly
- Puppies, puppies and more puppies
- Building work starts on our surgery
- Frank's Skin Cancer Surgery
- Bryn's Infected Uterus
- Gertie's Near Miss
- Congratulations Emily
- Tasmin's Tickley Throat
- Gigi's Sore Legs
- Stratford Surgery Opens Today
- Puppy Bounces Back!
- Poorly Puppy Jolly
- Mia's life saving blood transfusion
- A Warm Welcome To Callie
- Daisy's Snoring
- Alfie's Broken Leg
- Rex's tummy ache
- Pip's Infected Womb
- Saffi's Poorly Tummy
- Watch Out There's Chocolate About
- Molly's Sore Foot
- A Hat-trick of vets
- A happy ending for Sox
- Callie's spay
- Walle's watery eye
- Heat Stroke Kills
- Congratulations Stratford
- Cocoa's eyelid surgery
- Multi-cat Households
- Aggression Between Cats
- Indoor Scratching
- Come and Work With Us!
- Herbie's sore neck
- Urine Marking
- Avonvale stands up for Veterinary Nurses
- This made our day....
- Indie-ana Bones
- Peggy's seasonal mistake
- Blossom's back in the pin-k
- Compulsory microchipping- what does this mean for you?
- New faces at Avonvale!
- Leptospirosis
- Congratulations Katie!
- A very fond farewell to Anita
- Chronic kidney disease in cats
- Eyesight in Older Pets
- Arthritis in older pets
- Houdini the hedgehog
- Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month
- Jasper's ribbon emergency
- Beware grass seeds!
- Take care in the heat
- Merlin's sore throat
- Jimmy's appetite gets him into trouble
- Charles scores an own goal
- Ronnie's painful teeth
- Teddy's life saving donation
- Shelby's happy reunion
- Christmas Shoe Box Appeal
- Christmas shoe box success
- Dental Awareness Month
- Petplan Vet Awards
- Tips for healthy teeth
- Myxomatosis
- Buddy's off the hook
- No eggs-cuses for chocolate toxicity over Easter
- Life's a peach for Marley
- Heston the Hedgehog
- How to become a Veterinary Nurse
- Flea and tick awareness
- Maggie's feeling lighter
- Cubbington Fun Day
- Soggy moggies avoid cat-astrophe
- Eric's knot been well
- Bella's sore throat
- Physiotherapy for Animals
- Laparoscopic (key-hole) spays
- Betsy's sore paw
- Alabama Rot
- Chloe's sore throat
- Avonvale Gold Club
- Keeping your pet safe in the heat
- Top tips to help protect pets around fireworks season
- Act now if taking pets abroad after Brexit
- Parvovirus
- Pet Anxiety Month
- £120,000 Investment in Kenilworth Vet Practice Refurbishment
- Rabbit Awareness Week 2019
- Protect pets from ticks and fleas
- Water safety
- Avonvale Vet rescues abandoned kittens
- Avonvale vets receive training from dentistry expert
- Leading Warwickshire vet welcomes nursery youngsters
- Bella's having a ball after life-changing operation
- Leading Warwickshire vets throwing open its doors
- Warwickshire Vets Toast ‘Double’ Anniversary
- Inka the lab 'nose' how to sniff out of trouble
- The Long and the Short of it...
- Vet ready to show her pedal power for Team GB
- Vets throw open their doors for anniversary celebrations
- Avonvale Vets celebrating 10 years of offering hydro help with one of its water babies
- Warwickshire vet helps tackle stray cat epidemic in Cyprus
- Be prepared to help pets de-stress, urge Warwickshire Vets
- Nurturing a new generation of nurse dental champions
- Leading Warwickshire vets giving a behind-the-scenes look during open day
- The B word....
- Helping to make Christmas special for pets in need
- Beautiful Bronte is blossoming
- Boxing Clever For Animal Rescue Centres
- Joining forces with Cats Protection for FREE Neutering Month
- Avonvale Vets COVID-19 (coronavirus) update
- Avonvale Vets COVID-19 (Coronavirus) 31 March Update
- Avonvale Vets COVID-19 (coronavirus) 01 April update
- COVID-19 & Pets
- How to tackle ticks during the warmer months
- Celebrate our amazing team with us this World Veterinary Day
- May is Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month
- Local Dog Walking during lockdown
- Deaf awareness week – the important role of dogs
- 75th VE Day Anniversary - Animals in War
- How owning a pet can be good for your mental health
- Much loved pointer recovers from horrific chest injury
- Looking after your pet rabbit in the current environment
- Diabetes Week - 8 to 14 June 2020
- Russell Hall Blog: Stuck in paradise
- Caring for your cat - An owner’s guide
- Advice on helping injured wildlife
- Adopt a pet - save a life
- Avonvale's Paws the Show
- Grass seed dangers to cats and dogs
- Camping with your dog
- Taking your dog out in public
- Pet travel to Europe from 1 January 2021
- Seven interesting dog facts for you to ponder
- Taking your cat to the vets
- Basic First Aid for pets
- Senior Pets Focus
- How to teach your dog to walk on a lead
- Introducing a new pet into the household
- How to ensure your dog is a healthy weight
- World Heart Day - 29 September 2020
- Keep your pet safe this autumn
- Walking your dog safely in autumn and winter
- Halloween Awareness
- Holiday Season 2020 Opening Hours
- Road Safety Week
- Exercising your pet in the house during colder months
- Information for clients
- Focus on Osteoarthritis in Dogs
- Antimicrobial Awareness Week
- Senior Pets Physiotherapy
- Pet Passports no longer valid from 1 January 2021
- January is National Walk Your Dog Month
- Starting your puppy off right!
- Nutritional advice for cats and dogs
- Advice on grooming your cat or dog at home
- Rabbit Dental Care
- How do you show your pet affection?
- Rabbit space requirements
- How to choose a scratching post for your cat
- Easter Bank Holiday hours
- Flea, tick and worm prevention for cats
- Flea, tick and worm prevention for dogs
- Pet Skin Conditions
- Tortoise parasite prevention
- The importance of microchipping your pet
- Top 10 summer pet-hazards
- Going to the beach with your dog this summer?
- Protect your pet from the sun
- The importance of parasite prevention
- Keeping your dog safe whilst out and about this summer
- May and Spring Bank Holiday opening hours
- Neutering puppies and kittens
- Tips and advice for new puppy owners
- Bacterial skin infections in dogs
- Ear mites in cats and dogs
- Guinea pig space requirements
- Meet the Team - Animal Nursing Assistant Gary Ryan
- Stratford vets advice on how to exercise puppies & kittens
- Meet the Team - Receptionist Liz Kelland
- Warwick Vets warn about grass seeds and freshly cut grass hazards
- Meet the Team - Registered Veterinary Nurse Sarah Coton
- Warwick Vets explain Kennel Cough myths and facts
- Vets in Cubbington talk about the importance of microchipping your pet
- We're all ears when it comes to your rabbit
- August bank holiday hours
- Important Information - Product Recall
- Barbecues and your pets – things to consider
- Heat awareness for animals in hutches in Warwickshire
- Keeping your dog safe during car travel
- Tips for worry-free visits to the vets
- Preparing your pet for home life changes
- Have a worry-free experience when taking your cat to the vet
- Top tips to calm your anxious and stressed pet
- Autumn dangers in Warwickshire
- How to prepare your dog ahead of fireworks season
- How to prepare your cat ahead of fireworks season
- Preparing your pets for firework season
- Learn how to identify and reduce worry, anxiety, and stress in your pet
- Preparing your pet for a change in season in Warwickshire
- Mitral Valve Disease (MVD) in dogs
- Cardiomyopathy in cats
- Important Information
- Better to check...
- Christmas Hazards
- December opening hours 2021
- Help us to keep antibiotics working in Warwickshire…
- Five benefits of joining our Healthy Pet Clubs
- Calling all cats aged seven or older!
- Silver Cat Friendly Clinic
- The importance of vaccinations
- Avonvale Vets Stratford save puppy's life after swallowing a stone
- Protect your dog against kennel cough
- The role of a veterinary surgeon in Warwickshire
- The role of a veterinary nurse in Warwickshire
- Spring hazards in Warwickshire
- Easter opening hours
- May bank holiday opening hours
- Jubilee weekend opening hours
- The role of a patient care assistant in Warwickshire
- The role of a client care team in Warwickshire
- How to help your itchy dog in Warwickshire
- Top 10 hazards to watch out for this summertime to protect your pets
- August Bank Holiday hours
- Important Information - Price increase 2022
- Safeguarding Antibiotics
- Top tips for keeping your pet warm throughout the winter months
- Festive opening hours 2022
- The importance of microchipping your pet
- Tooth Brushing Guide for Small Animals
- Cat microchipping legislation is now confirmed
- The weekend of chocolate & treats – keeping our pets safe
- Keep your pet safe and healthy whilst you're Spring cleaning
- Common allergies in pets (what to look out for)
- Easter opening hours 2024
- Avonvale Vets Welcomes New Microchipping Law for Cats
- Bank holiday opening hours - May 2023
- Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month at Avonvale Vets
- Essential summer safety tips for keeping your pets healthy and happy
- Springtime Allergies in Pets: Symptoms and Treatments
- Lily poisoning: Protecting your pets from a hidden danger
- Saltwater poisoning in dogs: Symptoms to look out for
- Preparing your pets for firework season
- Are conkers poisonous to dogs?
- Alabama Rot Awareness
- Everything You Need To Know About Walking Your Dog In The Rain
- Is Corn On The Cob Safe For Dogs
- 7 Behaviours To Look Out For In A New Puppy
- Pet antibiotic resistance - how do we safeguard our future?
- Best products for your senior pet this Christmas
- Important Information
- What to consider before getting a new pet
- New Year Resolutions For Pet Owners
- Importance of Pet Insurance
- The Perils of Easter for Dogs: Chocolate Poisoning
- Avonvale Vets services update
- The top 12 most poisonous plants for pets
- Common allergies in dogs
- Separation anxiety in dogs: signs and methods for pet owners
- Introducing Pets to Children
- Allergies in Cats
- What’s Better for My Cat: Wet or Dry Food?
- Tips for walking your dog during summer
- Tips for clipping your pet's claws
- Danger in the deep: Blue-green algae and dog poisoning
- Taking care of your senior pet
- How stress and anxiety can affect your pet’s health
- Poisonous food for dogs: The dangers of Xylitol in everyday food
- Prepare your dog for a smooth journey when travelling