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Does your dog regularly come into contact with other dogs around Warwickshire? Maybe out on walks, or at one of Warwickshire's many parks, or when boarding in kennels? If so, we highly recommend vaccinating your dog against kennel cough.

Kennel cough (infectious tracheobronchitis) is a very contagious respiratory disease. Dogs can catch kennel cough after being in close contact with an infected dog. If your dog stays in boarding kennels, they’ll probably be quite close to other dogs which means it’s easier for them to catch kennel cough. If you’re planning a trip away it’s worth considering getting your dog vaccinated against kennel cough.

Contact your local practice today to arrange an appointment.








What are the symptoms of Kennel Cough?

The main sign to look out for is a deep hacking cough, which can sometimes lead to retching, sneezing, snorting, gagging or vomiting.  In some cases, you may only notice your dog coughs when they’re excited or during exercise. Some dogs get a fever and, in rare cases, the infection may progress to pneumonia.  Symptoms usually start within 10 days after your dog becomes infected; your dog could cough for up to three weeks. Often the cough is worse at bedtime which causes sleepless nights for the whole family!

How is Kennel Cough diagnosed?

Diagnosis is often based on the clinical signs your dog shows and the history you give us about your dog’s symptoms. If a gentle palpitation of your dog’s throat causes a retching cough, a diagnosis of kennel cough is quite likely.

What treatment is available for Kennel Cough?

There is no specific treatment for kennel cough (as it’s usually a viral infection) but antibiotics are sometimes used to treat dogs who have developed a bacterial infection. Infected dogs should rest and isolate from other dogs in Warwickshire for around 14 days. In most cases, dogs recover from kennel cough within three weeks. It helps to avoid using a lead and collar as this can irritate your dog’s throat. Sometimes we prescribe cough suppressants or anti-inflammatories to help make your dog feel better.

What’s the best way to prevent Kennel Cough?

The best way to protect your dog from kennel cough in Warwickshire is to vaccinate them. The vaccine is a quick and painless procedure. You can choose between a nasal spray or a liquid given into your dog’s mouth. This new oral solution is available at our Avonvale Vets practices. If your dog becomes stressed by the nasal vaccine, the new liquid might be a good option to try.

A kennel cough vaccination protects your dog for a whole year. Sometimes we can’t give it along with your dog’s regular booster so it’s worth checking when you book your dog’s appointment with us at Avonvale Vets. Often kennels require that all the dogs boarding with them have been vaccinated against kennel cough so it’s worth checking when you book your dog in. The nasal vaccination should be given at least one week before their stay and the oral vaccine fully protects your dog after three weeks.

If you’re concerned your dog may have kennel cough and has any of the symptoms, speak to a member of our team for advice.  Alternatively, if you’d like to arrange a kennel cough vaccination for your four-legged friend in Warwickshire, just call your local practice by clicking on the link below:


Don’t forget, if you’re a pet Healt for Life plan member in Warwickshire, you can benefit from a discount, Contact us at Avonvale Vets for details.

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    8.30am to 12.30pm
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