For the long-term health and wellbeing of your pet and your family, it is essential that you routinely use proven, preventative treatments against the most common parasites throughout your pet’s life. Remember that prevention is much easier and cost effective than cure. Fleas are the primary cause of skin problems in dogs and cats. Some pets suffer from an allergic reaction to the flea saliva and need only a couple of bites to trigger a severe skin reaction. Fleas also transmit the common flea tapeworm and can cause anaemia in severe cases. Pet fleas will also bite people although they cannot live on humans.
To determine the level of parasite treatment your pet needs, we will work with you to carry out a risk assessment based on your pet’s lifestyle and behaviour.
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How Fleas Spread
To understand how to control fleas on our pets we need to understand the flea lifecycle.
- Only the adult fleas are present on our pets. The ones we see make up less than 5% of the total flea infestation.
- Each adult female flea can lay up to 2,000 eggs. These drop off your pet into carpets, upholstery and bedding in your home and can live dormant in them for up to a year.
- The eggs hatch into larvae which live off detritus and flea faeces in carpets, furniture or pet bedding, after which they pupate. The pupa stage (or cocoon) can remain dormant for more than a year.
- Pupae are stimulated into hatching by the movement and warmth of passing pets or people.
- The adult fleas emerge and are ready for their first blood meal.
Signs of Flea Infestation
- Frequent scratching or intense irritation
- Tiny black specs of ‘flea’ dirt in the pet’s fur or left on pet bedding
- Small spots or scabs on the skin
- Areas of skin irritation or hair loss
Flea Treatment
Treat your pet
- Use a product specifically designed for your species of pet and suitable for its size and weight. Products designed for dogs containing Permethrin can be extremely toxic for cats.
- We recommend a ‘prescription only’ product. This is a ‘spot on’ treatment which is easily applied directly to the skin on the back of your pet’s neck and is more effective than over the counter powders or shampoos.
- It kills existing fleas within 24 hours and gives protection for 4 weeks.
- It is not absorbed into your pet’s blood stream and does not contain organophosphates.
Treat your home to kill eggs and larvae
- Vacuum all areas where your pet sleeps including the car if your pet travels with you, then empty the vacuum cleaner bag. -- Wash all pet bedding at 60 degrees centigrade.
- Spray your home with a recommended household insecticide. This will kill existing eggs and prevent re-infestation for 6 - 12 months.
Treat your pets regularly to prevent recurrence
Monthly treatment of all pets in the household will prevent re-infestation of the environment so that further spraying of the house may be
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All cats and dogs will get worms at some stage in their lives. In puppies and kittens an infestation of these parasites can be a serious health concern and may even be life threatening. Adult pets may carry worms with few symptoms beyond a dull coat, possible weight loss and lethargy.
There are several different species of worm. The two most common in the UK are:
Roundworms (Toxocara)
These white worms look like pieces of string. 40% of puppies have them living in their intestine and 25% of dogs carry the eggs in their fur.
Roundworms are a particular public health concern as they may be transmitted to humans and can cause health problems for children and people with poor immune systems. This can happen by swallowing the microscopic eggs found in untreated pet’s fur and in the grass from pet faeces. Good personal hygiene is essential. Cats often become infected with Roundworm after catching mice and voles carrying worm larvae.
These attach themselves to the small intestine and can grow up to 5 metres long. Pale egg segments, which look like a grain of rice, can sometimes be seen in the pet’s faeces or the fur around the tail. Often pets become infected whilst grooming by swallowing fleas that are carrying tapeworm larvae. These larvae soon turn into adult worms.
Other Worms
Other worms that our pets may be exposed to are Lungworm, Whipworm and Hookworm. These are less common but are passed to our pets through the environment or via contact with creatures such as Ticks, Slugs and Snails. These worms are more prevalent in different parts of the country so if you take your pet on holiday ensure that their worm treatment is done promptly when you return. Your regular spot -on and tablet wormer may already protect against these worms as well as roundworm and tapeworm so do ask us for advice.
If you are travelling abroad your pet may be exposed to Heartworm.
Roundworm and Tapeworm Control
Puppies and kittens first come into contact with worms from their mothers and so pets should be treated from an early age.
The worming tablets we recommend for dogs are safe, palatable and may be concealed in food. They are effective with a single dose and proven to control the type of intestinal worms normally found in UK pets. Spot- on wormers are also available for cats. A combination flea, worm and parasite treatment is available for both dogs and cats. Our vets can advise on the most suitable product for your pet.
It is important to note that worm treatments will rid your pet of any worms present in the intestine at the time of treatment but will not
prevent re-infection.
To keep the likelihood of worms to a minimum we recommend that your pet is treated every 3 months.
Complete Parasite Protection
The Flea, Worm and Tick products we recommend are more effective than those which do not require veterinary prescription and we dispense them in accordance with BSAVA guidelines. To enable us to dispense regular parasite protection, your pet will need to be registered with us and have an annual health check during which we will record his or her weight to ensure a safe and effective dose is given. Some of the easy to apply spot-on products available will treat both fleas and worms plus other parasites such as ear mites and sarcoptic mange (carried by foxes).
For further information, help and advice please contact us.
Don’t live in fear of parasites, every year we help hundreds of pet owners just like yourself have a parasite free pet. Not only will you save money in veterinary costs but you will give your pet the quality of life they deserve.
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Protecting Your Pet From Ticks
Ticks are a common parasite that can affect pets, and at Avonvale Vets, we urge pet owners to be aware of the risks associated with tick bites and to take steps to prevent them.
Ticks can transmit diseases to pets, including Lyme disease. These diseases can cause serious health problems for pets, and in some cases, can even be fatal. Therefore, it is important to take preventative measures to protect your pets from tick bites.
Here are some tips for tick prevention in pets:
Use a tick preventative treatment - There are many different tick preventative products available, including spot-on treatments, collars, and oral medications. These treatments work by killing ticks before they have a chance to bite and can be a highly effective preventative measure.
Check your pet for ticks regularly - After spending time outside, be sure to thoroughly check your pet for ticks. Ticks can attach anywhere on the body, but are most commonly found around the head, ears, neck, and feet. If you find a tick, use tweezers to carefully remove it, making sure to get the entire tick and avoiding crushing it.
Keep your garden tidy - Ticks thrive in tall grass and other vegetation, so keeping your garden well-maintained and mowed can help to reduce the tick population.
Avoid walking in wooded or brushy areas - These are high-risk areas for ticks, and avoiding them can help reduce the risk of tick bites.
Talk to your vet - Your vet can provide guidance on tick preventative products and offer recommendations based on your pet's individual needs.
By following these tips and taking preventative measures, you can help protect your pets from the risks associated with tick bites. If you have any concerns or questions about tick prevention for your pet, be sure to call Avonvale Vets today.
Spread the cost of essential healthcare for your pet

To spread the cost of routine worming and flea treatment for your pet, Avonvale Vets offer the Pet for Life Health plan, which includes parasite control for your pet.
More information about prevention for cats & dogs
Parasite prevention for cats | Parasite prevention for dogs
Parasite Protection FAQs:
What happens to my pet if they don't have flea and worm treatment?
When it comes to worm treatment, there may be severe consequences if ignored. Depending on the type of worm your pet can experience irritation such as intestinal blockages, obstruction of blood flow in the heart, artery inflammation, anaemia, and even death if left untreated.
Can you get combined flea and worm treatment for pets?
There are combined flea and worm treatments you can get for your pets, also known as an all-in-one flea and wormer. However, it's always best to consult your veterinary practice as these treatments don't cover some types of worms. Your pet may also have complications that combined treatments don't cover.
How often does my pet need flea and worm treatment?
Once every month, you should treat your pet for fleas, and every two to three months, or even more frequently, for worms. Depending on your pet's lifestyle, talk to your vet about the best course of action.
How long should I wait between worming and flea treatments?
Many people wonder if they can treat their cats for fleas and worms at the same time or how long they should leave between treatments. Depending on the two treatments being administered you may need to wait either 48 hours or two weeks between treatments. Please ask your vet when picking up your flea and worm treatment how to apply the two treatments most effectively and safely.
Do indoor cats need flea and worm treatment?
Every cat, even indoor cats, need regular flea and worm preventative treatments. It is a common misconception that an exclusively indoor cat does not need these treatments – this is not true at all. Fleas commonly travel on clothes and bags and so may be brought into the house at any time. A cat could even pick up fleas during a trip to a vet, especially where other pets may not have been treated.
Does my rabbit need flea and worm treatment?
You must consistently employ effective, preventative medicines against the most prevalent parasites throughout the lifespan of your rabbit to ensure their wellbeing and long-term health, as well as that of your family and Rabbits. Keep in mind that prevention is much simpler and less expensive than treatment. Rabbits also suffer from several other parasites and conditions, such as Mites, Flystrike, and E. cuniculi.