A leading Warwickshire vet threw open its doors to potential vets and nurses of the future.
Youngsters from Castle Pre-school in Kenilworth climbed aboard their new mini bus for a special visit to Avonvale Veterinary Centre’s Kenilworth branch to discover what is involved in being a vet and learning how to care for their animals.
Pre-school manager Claudia Hamminger-Stone said: “The children went into a consulting room and clinical director Kieran O’Halloran demonstrated how a vet might take care of a dog, using a puppet.
“He showed them how to use a stethoscope and he examined the dog thoroughly.
“They then talked about how to care for their pets, and it was fantastic how well they communicated when it came to discussing their animals.
“We think it is vitally important for children of this age not just to be told about a career or profession but to get a close up look at what is involved in it. It’s brilliant for their education.
“The children had a wonderful time and we would like to thank Kieran and everyone at Avonvale.”
Kieran said: “It was a pleasure to show the children around and give them a bit of an insight into what it is we do here.
“Seeing the delight on their faces when they talked about their own pets and how they liked caring for them was just wonderful.
“It went so well and we look forward to more groups from the nursery visiting us in future.”
Youngsters from Castle Nursery enjoyed their visit to Avonvale Veterinary Centre’s Kenilworth