Ticks and fleas are much more prevalent in warmer weather

Protect pets from ticks and fleasWith improved summer weather just around the corner, leading Warwickshire vets are reminding cat and dog owners to protect their pets from the misery of fleas, ticks and worms.

Although they are a year-round concern, parasites such as ticks and fleas are much more prevalent as the weather gets warmer and pets begin to spend more time outdoors, warned Avonvale Veterinary Centre’s clinical director, Simon Davies.

Ticks can cause significant discomfort and can, in some circumstances, infect animals and their owners with diseases such as Lyme disease, a bacterial illness which causes flu-like symptoms.

Pets can also get tapeworms from fleas, while roundworms and hookworms can travel from pets to their owners and have potentially serious consequences for both.

Simon is now urging owners to check their pets carefully and make sure all preventative treatments are up-to-date, to combat the risk of potentially serious health problems.

He said: “It is really important owners protect their pets from fleas, ticks and worms as we head into summer and the risk of getting bitten increases as animals, like us, spend much more time outdoors.

"Owners should regularly check their pet’s coat for any signs of ticks by running their fingers through the fur and for fleas by close inspection or by using a fine-toothed comb." 

"They should also be on the look-out for any excessive scratching, itching and biting, which are classic signs of a problem, along with scabs, hair loss or allergic reactions."

"We’d encourage anyone who hasn’t already got preventative care in place to book an appointment with one of our vet nurses. This will ensure they get expert advice and information about appropriate treatments to keep their pets in the best possible health this summer and beyond." 

"For animals travelling abroad, it is essential they have robust worm treatment and tick prevention to protect them from more serious tick-borne diseases which are prevalent in Europe." 

Avonvale has branches in Kenilworth, Stratford, Warwick, Heathcote, Southam, Wellesbourne and Cubbington, search for Avonvale Veterinary Centres on Facebook.

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