You may be aware that as of 6th April 2016 microchipping will be compulsory for dogs. Here we explain what this change means for you and answer some FAQs.
Latest News from Avonvale
This is poorly pooch is Peggy. Peggy's owner rang us because she had managed to snuffle her way into a variety box of chocolates and had eaten most of the box!
Indie's owners phoned us recently as she began retching and coughing after eating some roast chicken scraps at home. She came straight down to see vet Katie out of hours.
The team at Warwick were delighted to open the mail this morning and find that the surgery has received a nomination for the Practice of the Year in the 2016 Pet Plan Awards. This now means that all of our branches have been nominated.
Local MP Chris White visited Avonvale on Friday to highlight the campaign to protect the title of Veterinary Nurse. A petition in support of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons campaign has raised over 17,000 signatures and is being brought before the House of Commons.
There are many things that cause cats to feel anxious. New housemates, new babies, new homes and new routines can all upset a cat’s constitution. One of the most common ways cats exhibit anxiety is by urine marking around their territory. When this territory includes the house, owners are faced with a smelly, antisocial problem.
This is Herbie who belongs to Southam receptionist Liz. Liz became worried about Herbie when he didn't eat his breakfast and didn't want to go for a walk because that was very out of character for him. Then, when he squealed when he was picked up, Liz knew that something was definitely not right. She was worried that he might have eaten a stone while out on a walk.
If you have ever had a favourite sofa or piece of furniture ‘personalised’ by your cat’s scratch marks then you may have wondered why they felt the need to display this destructive behaviour.
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