Cats are not naturally aggressive animals, avoiding conflict and the risk of injury if at all possible. Although they are well equipped for self defence they prefer to use their claws and teeth for hunting. Within neighbourhoods, situations will arise where cats are forced to protect themselves from more assertive bullies trying to encroach on their territory. If escape isn’t an option then a fight may ensue. Sometimes wounds are minor but others may require veterinary attention. Cats’ mouths are full of bacteria which, when transferred via a bite, can cause painful abscesses. Often, neighbourhood cats will ‘agree to disagree’ and avoid venturing outside when they know their nemesis is lying in wait.
Latest News from Avonvale
Our feline friends can be quite unsociable characters and often find living with others quite stressful. Competing for food, litter trays and the comfiest sleeping quarters can cause some cats to become anxious.
Cocoa the 2 month old shar pei puppy came in to see Southam vet Mark recently.
Our Avonvale surgery is the first surgery in Stratford to be accredited by The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. The surgery is now approved and listed by the RCVS as a Small Animal General Practice.
Keep pets cool during the heat wave by providing shade and fresh water at all times. Never leave pets in unventilated cars or conservatories and save walks and play for the cooler times of day. Heat exhaustion and dehydration can be life threatening if not recognised and treated quickly. Important signs to watch for are:
Little Walle had a very sore eye. It kept watering and he was holding it closed. He went to see vet Mark at our Southam surgery.
Do you remember little Callie who belongs to Wellesbourne vet Becky? She has grown so much since this picture was taken!
Handsome Sox has been having chemotherapy since March last year to treat a nasal tumour. He has been a pleasure to treat and we are all so happy to see him doing so well.
Our Stratford surgery is going from strength to strength and we have been delighted to welcome 3 new vets onto our team so that we can make sure we can offer your pets our high standards of pet care at all our surgeries at all times.
Molly was brought in to see vet Bex at our Kenilworth surgery. Her owner's had noticed a lump on one of her toes which had come up quite suddenly. Bex examined Molly and found that, other than the lump, she was in good health.
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