We try not to take our ever-cheerful receptionists for granted and we have recently invested some time for them to take part in some specialist training.
Latest News from Avonvale
Freja had a lump grow on her top jaw just under her lip at the front. It had grown very quickly and she came in for an operation to remove it. Laboratory test results showed that it was a tumour that can grow quickly and would have destroyed her jaw over time, but doesn't tend to spread to other areas of the body.
Freddie came in to see us when he was only 8 months old as he kept going lame on his left front leg. Vet Penny found that his shoulder was very sore. He was booked in for an anaesthetic and x-rays to find out what was going on.
Ruby came in as she had developed a lump on the side of her chest. We used a small needle to try to suck out some cells to see what it was. Under the microscope there were several different types of cell so we still couldn't be sure of what it was.
This is Bambina, a muntjac deer seen at our Southam surgery. She was rescued as a baby when her mother was sadly hit by a car in last year and is being looked after by the family who rescued her. She lives on their lawn, and has made best friends with the family's dogs.
We are upgrading our practice management computer software with a whole new system!
Stanley had developed an ulcer on the big pad of his right hind foot and so was brought in to see us. It was infected and so he was treated with some antibiotics.
Winston was not eating and had been gagging and retching at home. He was brought in to see vet Steve, who after a thorough exam felt we needed to sedate Winston to find out what was going on.
Hattie suddenly became very ill at home. She was panting lots and not interested in food or water. She was brought in to see Simon, who found that her breathing and heart rate were much faster than normal. She was also running a high temperature.
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